REPS - European Dry Stone Network

What is REPS?
The international association "European Dry Stone Network", is a non-profit association created in 2018 following the union of European partners aware of the need to safeguard and value our dry stone heritage in a sustainable and responsible.

The association wants to set a cultural route at European level to promote dry stone rural landscapes, as inscribed by UNESCO on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2018.

Main goal
The Dry Stone European Heritage Route project is based on the idea that traveling through dry stone landscapes, experiencing them and feeling part of them, is the key to their conservation. The Association seeks to promote discovery tours, activities for children and young people, training in dry stone, exchanges between dry stone builders, multidisciplinary scientific research activities, as well as the participation of local communities as a living part of the heritage.

The association is now focusing its efforts on creating the route and preparing the application for the Council of Europe Cultural Route label. Seven entities from seven European countries have joined the association: Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom.

Following the approach of the Council of Europe's Cultural Itineraries, our route is conceived as a cooperation project aimed at promoting heritage awareness, education, networking, responsible cross-border tourism and other related activities. It aims to contribute to the promotion of European identity and citizenship through knowledge and awareness of Europe's common heritage and the development of cultural links and dialogues within Europe, as well as with other countries and regions.

REPS association founding Members


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