Racing in the Serra

El 'Circuit de curses infantils a la Serra de Tramuntana' is a commitment to family sport that allows you to get to know the landscape of Mallorca. The programme, jointly promoted by the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium and the Sports Department of the Consell de Mallorca, reaches its eleventh edition in 2024.

The ultimate goal is to promote the integration of sport and nature, an essential pairing for learning to respect and care for the environment. In addition, the programme contributes to the acquisition of healthy habits among children and promotes both the values of sustainable sport and the heritage of the Serra de Tramuntana.

There are 10 non-competitive circuits in different municipalities of the Serra de Tramuntana, adapted to all ages and with itineraries that allow them to enjoy the heritage. The sporting activity is complemented with guided tours and children's workshops related to healthy lifestyle habits, sporting values and respect and care for the environment and heritage.

2024 calendar


Serra de Tamuntana Consortium


General Riera, 113, Palma

(+34) 971 219 735


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